Safety Advice and
National Ugly Mugs
Your safety is of the utmost importance. We can help you with:
• Tailored safety information -
safety leaflet
• Support with reporting crime
• Free personal safety alarms
The Esther Project is a member of the National Ugly Mugs Scheme which enables women in the sex industry to report crimes committed against them.

Our outreach workers can support you to report any violent or threatening behaviour. You can do this with a team member over the phone or in person. You can report anonymously if you wish.
Reporting not only provides access to support but also helps to keep others in the sex industry safe. Following receipt of a report NUM will send out alerts to members, which warn others in the area of potential dangers. The Esther Project is able to provide updates on local alerts.
As a member you can:
• Report an incident and access support
• Get text alerts about incidents in your area
• Screen your client using the email and phone number checker
Visit NUM to sign up or contact The Esther Project for more information.
Other safety advice
Safety and Privacy for Online Sex Workers (from
Beyond the Gaze - written by sex workers) - support and safety tips from experienced escorts
Rape and Sexual Assault
Women in the sex industry have the same rights with regard to consent as anyone else: the transactions they negotiate with clients are for consensual activities, not rape or sexual assault. Paying for sex does not entitle someone to do what they want or force you to perform sex acts you are not comfortable with.
Getting help and support:
• The Esther Project can offer: emotional support; support in making a referral to other specialist services (such as sexual health or mental health) or support with reporting.
• The Saturn Centre
(SARC) in Crawley provides support to men and women in Sussex who have been victim to sexual assault. They can provide forensic medical examinations, emergency contraception and emotional support. They can also provide ongoing support to victims of sexual assault including counselling and support through criminal proceedings.
• Life Centre is a Sussex-based charity offering support and counselling to survivors of rape and sexual assault.
Reports can be made to
Crimestoppers or we can provide support with reporting instances of crime to local police.