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Spotting the Signs


There are many indicators that a young person may be being exploited, however, even where several are present, it does not mean that they are being exploited.

Risk indicators include:
Staying out late, beyond curfew, or not being where they should be
Becoming secretive about how they are spending their time (including online) and stopping engagement with usual friends
Changes in behaviour, for example severe mood swings, sharp changes in personality or being upset, withdrawn or distressed
Exclusion from school or unexplained absences from or not engaged in school or college
Periods of going missing overnight or longer
Getting in or out of vehicles driven by unknown individuals
Having a significantly older boyfriend, girlfriend or friend
Unexplained amounts of money, clothing, jewellery, mobile phone or other items
Excessive use of mobile phone that causes concern
Involvement in criminal activity
Evidence of drug, alcohol or substance misuse
Recurring or multiple sexually transmitted infections
Use of the internet that causes concern
Multiple callers (unknown adults/older young people)
Relationship with controlling individual
Sexualised behaviour, language or an understanding of sex that is not age appropriate

Risk indicators should be considered in the light of additional vulnerabilities which may be present.

Heightened vulnerabilities include:
History of neglect, abuse or domestic violence
Breakdown of family relationships
Low self-esteem    
Recent bereavement or loss
Social isolation 
Family history of mental health difficulties
Economic vulnerability
Inappropriate accommodation/sofa surfing/homelessness
Physical or learning disability
Being in care
Family history of substance misuse