The Impact of Porn Addiction

Despite porn’s promise of improving consumers’ sex lives, there is growing evidence that porn consumption is linked to sexual dysfunction. Research indicates that compulsive pornography consumption is directly related to erectile dysfunction,
41 sexual dysfunction for both men and women,
42 problems with arousal and sexual performance,
43 difficulty reaching orgasm,
44 and decreased sexual satisfaction.
46 demonstrate that the long-term effects of porn consumption can also:
• prevent consumers from being able to form and maintain meaningful social and romantic relationships;
• contribute to the breakdown of relationships with romantic partners, family and friends;
• trigger intense feelings of depression, shame and isolation;
• lead to loss of interest in activities that are not related to porn, such as work, hobbies, socialising with friends and family, and exercise, thus leading to social withdrawal and isolation;
• lead to trouble at work as a result of poor performance or watching porn using company equipment;
• result in legal issues as a result of illegal porn use.
41 (Park et al., 2016)
42 (Bothe et al., 2021)
43 (Sun et al., 2016)
44 (Bothe et al., 2021)
45 (Szymanski & Stewart-Richardson, 2021)
46 (Rimmer, 2021)